Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Web at a glance

Here are a number of interesting posts that are worth looking at...

Right on top:

The terrorists are getting better at killing... themselves. =)

- Palestine violence continues... but now how you think. Palestinian Torture in Schools and Hospitals (Hamas vs Fatah). Much hand-wringing over how to blame this on Israel, presumably.

Similarly, here in Canada: a picture with a little girl holding up hate signs. thank-you Small Dead Animals.

- On Journalists and their criminal behaviour... (Which prompts me to ask: why are people given so much press when charged, but so little when they are acquitted or convicted? Doesn't that hurt presumption of innocence?)

- Obligatory Obama references, since he was sworn in yesterday:
- The "prayer" (or, rather, soliloquy) offered by Gene Robinson to a "god of our many understandings"... blah, blah, blah in an official Obama function. Funny, this guy ratcheted the politics up a few notches. Almost as if his primary audience was PEOPLE, not God. Seems he and I have differing understandings about the definition and function of "prayer".
- Comment on the comparison between President (I guess I have to use that title now, don't I) Obama and the heroic pilot who made the NYC water landing.
- The Star puts out a rant about swooning Journalists as they cover the rise of Obama
- The spin as Obama's speech is reported (Little Green Footballs).

Closer to home:
Income splitting as a Canadian Stimulus package suggestion.
Polygamy: the next national debate?
Ezra Levant on Maher Arar (one) and (two), be sure to check out his positions on the hate marches in Calgary while you're there.

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