Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Days and Unicorns

It began on today's date in 1970...

No, not the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin's birthday -- surely that's a mere coincidence -- but rather, the very first Earth day commemoration. (Official history by Earth Day founders here for those interested.)

Philadelphia was one of the cities that had festivities on that special inaugural day. The Bulletin, a Philly paper, has an article on it.

Ira Einhorn (called "Unicorn" because the German last name translates into "one-horn") is said to have played a significant role in the original Earth Day Festivities in Philadelphia. Unicorn. It has a nice eco-friendly ring to it, don't you think?

[To be fair, this detail is contested by some who insist that he only claimed to have played a part in it -- but with what comes next, it could also been seen why people would want to distance themselves from him, whether they had dealings or no.]

He was a prominent protester (some say Hippie) of his day, and lived the life so often associated with the "Summer of Love".

Then his girlfriend went missing...

Then his neighbors complained about a rotting stench coming from his apartment...

Original Earth Day participant keeps rotting corpse of girlfriend in trunk of apartment??? Packed in (no kidding!) plastic bags and styrofoam.

There is an article detailing the entire story of the arrest (with some editing errors, but interesting reading nevertheless).

A teaser:
"Ira had a dark side at odds with the values he professed," Newsweek asserted. "It ranged from his overpowering ego to his domineering and sometimes violent relationships with women. Yet he never paid a price for this. During the live-and-let-live 1960s, Ira was almost never called on to answer for his behavior. (Before he met Holly) there were episodes in which he attacked women who had rejected him. He strangled one of them until she fell unconscious. Several years later after hitting a second woman over the head with a Coke bottle, he wrote in his journal, 'Violence always marks the end of a relationship.'"
Despite being caught red-handed with an ex-girlfriend decomposing in his closet, he managed to get enormous support from the expected defenders of such people, and a few of the unexpected defenders... but you'll have to read that, and which currently-sitting senator got him off with only $4000 bail (the Unicorn naturally fled the country for Europe once free) in the story link.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Seen In the News...

Proud of my nation again today...
--no, not b/c of the catch-and-release Pirate hunting... (we really need to update our rules of engagement there, maybe sink them and turn survivors over to Egypt for a trial?)
--nor is it because my city is inundated with thousands of Tamil protesters complaining to MY country to "do something" about THEIR country, while sticking us with the security bill for policing same...
Help me understand this: if Their country has a problem, why don't they GO to THEIR country to effect the solution there (whether humanitarian or military)? If THIS isn't THEIR country, why are they HERE making demands of MINE?)
-- I AM proud because we boycotted an asinine meeting in the UN which gave the Iranian head-case of State unnecessary credibility at (really, I'm not making this up) an Anti-Racism Conference and provided a platform to spew his usual sewage against Israelis.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

In 1934, the Chicago Tribune printed a political cartoon that could just as easily have been printed this month. Check it out! (h/t Glenn Beck)

Who asked for your help, anyway?

One American Blogger is tired of self-appointed white activists telling the world what is in the best interests of Black people. He also mentions some uncomfortable facets of American History that such self-appointed Activists would rather you didn't think about... he's got some good satire and photoshop stuff that is worth the look, too.

Dog Bites Man...

Global warming fear-mongers recycle story about ice shelf melting. Again. Used archived photo. Satellite photo year-by-year exposes the dishonest claim. (hat tip: SDA) In-depth Expose here.

No surprise if they're ok with lying to support the so-called 'settled science'.