Monday, April 20, 2009

Seen In the News...

Proud of my nation again today...
--no, not b/c of the catch-and-release Pirate hunting... (we really need to update our rules of engagement there, maybe sink them and turn survivors over to Egypt for a trial?)
--nor is it because my city is inundated with thousands of Tamil protesters complaining to MY country to "do something" about THEIR country, while sticking us with the security bill for policing same...
Help me understand this: if Their country has a problem, why don't they GO to THEIR country to effect the solution there (whether humanitarian or military)? If THIS isn't THEIR country, why are they HERE making demands of MINE?)
-- I AM proud because we boycotted an asinine meeting in the UN which gave the Iranian head-case of State unnecessary credibility at (really, I'm not making this up) an Anti-Racism Conference and provided a platform to spew his usual sewage against Israelis.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

In 1934, the Chicago Tribune printed a political cartoon that could just as easily have been printed this month. Check it out! (h/t Glenn Beck)

Who asked for your help, anyway?

One American Blogger is tired of self-appointed white activists telling the world what is in the best interests of Black people. He also mentions some uncomfortable facets of American History that such self-appointed Activists would rather you didn't think about... he's got some good satire and photoshop stuff that is worth the look, too.

Dog Bites Man...

Global warming fear-mongers recycle story about ice shelf melting. Again. Used archived photo. Satellite photo year-by-year exposes the dishonest claim. (hat tip: SDA) In-depth Expose here.

No surprise if they're ok with lying to support the so-called 'settled science'.

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