Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In Light of CoupGate...

Contrast these ideas.

In the last parliament, Harper's Conservatives had a smaller minority than they have presently.

Here is the breakdown of the Absent Professor's (Dion's) voting record during that term:

Yea: 40
Nay: 34
Absent / Abstained: 87

Of the 161 total votes, Dion cast a ballot yea or nay only 45.96% of the time.
So on 54% of Total votes cast, DION STOOD FOR LITERALLY NOTHING.

One may surmise that of the 74 issues he was decisive about, he supported the government 54% of the time.

40 yea / (40+34 decisive ballots cast) = 54% in favour of the Conservative agenda.

He actively opposed Harper only 21% of the time.

Therefore, Harper must not be "scary".

Therefore, Harper's policies are NOT contrary to Canada's best interests, when judging by Dion's own voting record.

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